Hey Everyone,
Just wanted to tell you all what was in my May 2014 Julep Maven box. I got the Bombshell box this month. Without further hesitation, here it is:
Product of the Month: Julep Plie Wand-This has been the talk of the town since Julep started the crowdfunding in January or February of this year. It's basically a wand that is the same length of a pen and you hold it like a pen when you polish your nails. It bends so you can paint with your non-dominate hand. I was one of the crowdfunders that got to try this product first and I got to say I'm really impressed. I can paint my nails easily without the mess or cleanup afterwards. It's a great tool so thank you Julep for coming up with the idea.
Laree- Laree is a beautiful pink polish with a golden shimmer to it. In the light you can see the golden shimmer in it. It is a bright, bold color for spring and summer.
Saaya- Saaya is a gorgeous apricot polish with a golden shimmer to it. I liked that Julep put both Laree and Saaya in the same box together. They match perfectly together. You can see the golden shimmer in Saaya under the light also.
Bonus polish for crowdfunders: Yumi, which is a pink/silver glitter polish. I wear it on my accent nails over both the May Bombshell polishes and it looks perfect. It's a keeper.
Add-on: The Plie Wand Creativity Kit- At $4.99 it was a steal so I got it. It includes a striping brush and dotting tool. Frankly the dotting tool works better than the striping brush. The brush separates leaving your lines streaky and uneven. Maybe I should have patience with it but we'll see.
That what was in my box this month. Next month subscribers get the option to customize their box. I'm getting the My Maven option and I'm paying $5 more monthly just to customize and I don't mind paying more for my box if I have the option to customize so it's all good. Have a great day guys and stay tuned for more.